Getting Here
Workshop: Basics of Filmmaking

October 2, 2012, 8:00pm-10:00pm
Bonne Bay Marine Station
  • Cost $15 (includes taxes), limited to 10 participants.
  • Facilitated by Derek Norman.
  • Pre-Registration by September 30 is required.

How do you approach shooting and collecting video with the ultimate goal of telling a compelling story?

The tools for filmmaking are increasingly accessible, as are the means to share the results through the web. Led by filmmaker Derek Norman, this workshop will explore how to use film in research and community work to generate a documentary. This workshop will cover filming basics, such as how to get the best footage and sound in a research situation, with a crew of one. This workshop is accessible to the general public as well as researchers and community groups.

Derek Norman

DEREK NORMAN is a trailblazer in the Newfoundland and Labrador film community. Starting in the early 1970’s with MUN Extension Service, Derek made his first films in rural communities all over the province, usually with a community development intent and often with a minimal crew. He was a founding member of NIFCO and worked for most of his career as an independent filmmaker, producer, film historian and archivist. He is an award-winning director, cinematographer and editor. He has been a teacher and mentor of film production at NIFCO for over 30 years.

For the past decade, Derek has been coordinator of the Digital Research Centre for Qualitative Fieldwork, Faculty of Arts, Memorial University. His mandate is to provide field researchers in Anthropology, Archaeology, Linguistics, Sociology, Linguistics, Geography and others with digital tools and facilities needed to collect, analyze, and disseminate the results of their research back to the communities and beyond. He likes to go trouting.